Happy Holidays!

Us June 2018

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to each and every one of you from all of us in Milford.  I hope all your dreams come true this holiday season and beyond.

June 2018 marked five years since we left the city for the County.  We have settled in quite nicely, and our life from five years ago seems very far away.  I loved our little spot in the city but I think we are happier here.  I like the quiet, and the space, and nature right out my back door.  I like the slower pace, the small town feel,  and the friendly faces.   There are less opportunities here, and higher unemployment.  There are less educational and extra curricular options for my children.  But there is more time for them to find their way.  More time for them to evolve from boredom. And more time for Jesse and I to do the same.  Once you have the opportunity to slow down, you can clearly see that life is not a race and it shouldn’t feel like one.

We live in a small, hardworking community.  If  you want something you have to create it yourself, and you have to get involved if you want to see change.  Because it is a small community, everyone and everything seems more accessible and more possible than it did in the city.

Moving here was a learning experience for us.  I see now that I wanted it to be a learning experience for our kids.  I want my kids to think outside the box.  That swimming against the current may be the more interesting choice in life.  Take some risks.  Have an adventure.  Live a little.  I want all the cliches to ring true for them.

Jess and I are coming to the realization that there are only a few short years left that our kids will be at home with us.  Soon they will be living their own adult lives, and I’m excited for them.  I can’t wait to see what is in store for them, and what they make of it.

I am also excited for us. We are talking about our next stage in life too, and what adventures we should have next.  I do love Milford, but there is a whole wide world out there.

Enjoy your holidays, and all the people that surround you.  Love them, and hug them.  Be present in the midst of the chaos.  Eat some pie, and the fudge. Be grateful for all you have and all you don’t.

Love to you all,
